But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God’” (Mat 4:4).

Beloved, every season has its own needs and challenges. Therefore every season demands a relevant “word in season”. If you rely on yesterday’s meal to sustain you for the rest of the year, no matter how delicious or nutritious it was, you’ll die! As in the natural, so it is in the spirit. In fact, it’s even more so in the latter. You have to be current. Stay spiritually up to date. You’ve to tune into God’s wavelength every time. Live by every rhema from the mouth of God–every step, every season, all the way. That’s why this business of relying on “banked prayers” is very risky! As you spend time in His presence today, listen keenly to today’s rhema. You’ll be unbeatable!

Pastor Josh