“Trust in the LORD with all your heart & lean not on your own understanding” (Pro 3:5).

Our trust in God happens at different levels. Some trust God only minimally. They want to do just enough to squeeze into heaven! However, unless our faith in Him is total, God is not impressed. Yet every human heart has a rebellious predisposition due to sin’s entry at the Fall. How then can you practice trusting God with ALL your heart? FIRST, let His Word be the final authority in all your decisions. Always choose God’s wisdom above human opinion. Second, even when you do not understand God’s logic, flow with His. Never trust your inferior judgment over God’s omniscience. Third, start and end your day with God everyday. Your steps will be rightly ordered (Ps 37:5; Pro 3:6). Fourth, put more earnest passion into your worship. Refuse to just seek God casually (Jeremiah 29:13). Fifth, accept that God’s will is always good for you (Jer. 29:11; Ps 145:9).

Pastor Josh