“And they devoted themselves to… the prayers” (Acts 2:42).
Devotion to prayer is an integral part of normal Christianity. Revival produces prayerfulness and prayer produces Revival. Many today think prayer is the preserve of special intercessors and prayer warriors. Nothing is further from the truth! Let’s face it dear friends, our generation has been severely tricked. In the original church, nobody was exempt from the prayers. Every child of God must be a prayer warrior. Every born again saint must prioritise corporate prayer. Indeed consistent personal prayers are necessary and powerful. However, there’s something special and precious about praying in one accord regularly. There are revelations and ministrations the Spirit will only release in the context of corporate worship (see 1 Cor. 14:26). There are phenomenal results that are only produced by the effect of anointed compound prayers. How much more we could achieve for God’s Kingdom if we dared to pray more in harmony! The ministry of prayer isn’t reserved only for women either! Men must reclaim their place in this ministry, as they lifted up holy hands in prayer (1 Tim 2:8). Let men, women, boys and girls in our generation forge a mighty army of passionate prayer warriors!
Pastor Josh