“Consider the incredible love that the Father has shown us in allowing us to be called “children of God”—and that is not just what we are called, but what we are. Our heredity on the Godward side is no mere figure of speech—which explains why the world will no more recognise us than it recognised Christ” (1 Jo 3:1 PHILLIPS).

Have you ever wondered why people misunderstand you? Scripture here says it’s just down to your new creation identity. Often we try hard to be as natural as possible yet we’re called to be supernatural like our Heavenly Father. As God’s offspring we are by nature beyond human analysis. Even our performance is greater than our potential. Our victory transcends our strength and defies the odds staked against us. The rights and privileges we gained when we were born anew to become children of God are mind boggling (Jo 1:12). Many good Christians have not yet even begun to comprehend the incredible favour the Father has done for us through His regeneration and adoption. May the Spirit of wisdom and revelation help us. It’s a huge deal to be called God’s children! Hallelujah!

Pastor Josh