‘Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm’ (Mar 4:39).
In this marine incident, our Lord demonstrated His authority over natural and supernatural forces. He also modelled how His disciples then and now should operate in the face of certain trials and troubles. When His followers panicked and complained to Him, He first addressed the problem before rebuking their unbelief. My dear friends, how often do we moan about our issues and even accuse God of not caring enough instead of exercising our God-given authority? It ought not to be so! Jesus’ manner of addressing the problem was twofold. Firstly, He rebuked the wind. Secondly, He pronounced peace upon the sea and ordered it to be still. It’s not enough to rebuke offending forces; we must also release divine peace upon the tempestuous waters. Don’t just bind unwanted stuff without also loosing the good. Don’t forbid problems without also permitting solutions. Let’s follow our Lord’s example today.
Pastor Josh