“Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you” (Lu 10:19).
Discerning Bible readers know that this isn’t a license to destroy innocent animals willy-nilly. Rather it’s the believer’s license to overcome principal satanic forces. The context is unambiguously supernatural. The enemy’s power is described in terms of two revealing metaphors. Firstly, serpentine powers are cunning, venomous and destructive. Praise God for victory over all satanic deception and poison. Secondly, scorpion spirits are hidden but highly venomous. Bless the Lord for authority over evil forces lurking in unexpected places. Today let’s welcome our Lord’s empowerment over all levels of satanic menace as we go about His mission. Let’s exercise the offensive authority we’ve been given (trampling power) as we serve and live for Him. Let’s also appropriate our defensive power (protection) as we labour in His vineyard.
Pastor Josh