“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser” (Jo 15:1).

The problem with wild vines is that they so resemble true ones that one can mistake the one for the other. Another problem is that these wild vines are often poisonous, as the student prophets of 2 Kings 4:40 found out. As in the natural, so it is in the spiritual. It’s not enough to be attached as branches to any tree. We must verify the authenticity of the vine to which we are attached. The quality of our fruit depends entirely on the nature of the tree to which we are attached. The only wise choice we have is to be branches of the True Vine–Jesus Christ. Although no church is perfect, yet some churches are great for believers purely because they connect people with Christ and nothing else. Others look good, but do not connect believers with Christ, but with some counterfeit saviour, doctrines and spirituality. Christians beware! Today let’s celebrate our relationship with the True Vine and the true power, life and fruit flowing in our veins from the true source.

Pastor Josh