“By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples” (Jo 15:8).
The church at large is quite aware of the worthwhileness of glorifying God, but often is unsure about how to accomplish it. Sometimes giving glory to the Lord is reduced and limited to religious songs and placards. However, God’s Word says glorifying God is about bearing much fruit. That also is the proof of true discipleship. That’s a sobering thought beloved, because anyone can claim to be a Christian, but true disciples are known by the quality and consistency of their fruit. Now, the question of what truly constitutes fruits of the Kingdom shall be explored in some detail later, but suffice it to say in the meantime that it’s mainly about righteous living. True disciples of Christ are known by their character that matches the love and purity of God. Charisma is secondary, character is paramount. May the fruits of God’s righteousness manifest in and through your life continually and abundantly!
Pastor Josh