“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love” (Jo 15:9).
This precious verse sheds useful light on the meaning of abiding in Christ. We learn here that it’s all about dwelling in the love of Christ. The Christian walk, beloved, is all about experiencing and expressing God’s unconditional love. Note first that before we can express it, we must experience the agape-love of God. We must be fully receptive to and aware of the amazing love Christ has for us. The benchmark of Christ’s love for you is the Father’s love for the Son of God. Now, that’s a staggering thought! Most of us have no idea just how much Jesus loves us. How much does the Heavenly Father love Jesus? We could obviously spend eternity unpacking that. Suffice it to say that it’s an intense, intimate and infinite love. It’s personal, prolific and powerful. That’s how much God loves you. Bask in that love. Pray with that in mind. Let your faith sore high as you revel in the revelation of God’s matchless love for you.
Pastor Josh