“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (Jo 15:13).

Loving like Jesus also means sacrificing yourself for your friends’ benefit. In our day this may call for sacrificial giving. Greater love does not help others only when it’s convenient. This kind of love makes painful personal decisions for the sake of one’s loved ones. Greater love is willing to suffer loss and inconvenience for the sake of others. It chooses to forgo some luxury, need, rights or privileges in preference for another’s benefit. It doesn’t exploit others. It doesn’t use others for selfish gain. It doesn’t manipulate those closest to one. Greater love operates on a totally different plane than ordinary love. It is uncommon love. Beloved, God is calling you and I today to raise our love-level! We’ve settled too long for ordinary love. Let’s love like Jesus and see our churches, families and world impacted and transformed beyond recognition. Hallelujah!

Pastor Josh