“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy…” (Gal 5:22).

It is significant that our text refers to the fruit (singular) of the Spirit and not fruits (plural). From this and other texts we understand that all the other members of the list actually describe 8 ways the fruit of love should manifest. We start by considering the role of joy in our love-walk. Note that Jesus asserts that the goal of His teachings is for the proliferation of joy in our hearts and lives after instructing us to abide in His love (Jo 15:11). Beloved, we’ve all misrepresented the Lord and the Gospel due to our failure to demonstrate Christ’s character at an emotional level. When the fruit of the Spirit manifest in and through us, our faith feels real and attractive to others around us, including seekers. It’s not enough to know you’re heaven-bound, but the joy of God must radiate in and through your life. Surely if the Gospel is Good News, our lives must be filled with joy unspeakable! Don’t let Satan rob you of the thrill of walking with Jesus. Don’t let circumstances deny you the enjoyment of serving the Lord and His people. Don’t let sorrow or sadness stifle the fire of divine love in and through you!

Pastor Josh