“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,…(Gal 5:22).

Literally, makrŏthumia (patience) denotes an enduring passion or temper. It’s about being able to hold one’s passion for a long time. In relational terms, it means being willing to give someone a second chance, to cut others some slack. It’s about deferring judgment and maintaining hope in the face of contrary evidence. In another Epistle, the inspired apostle says, “Love is patient…” (1 Cor. 13:4). Understanding that love is characteristically patient enables one to arrest the contamination of love from the onset. Once you feel impulses of impatience rising in your soul, realise that the love of God is under attack. We cannot be walking in the love of God and be joyless, restless or impatient! We need grace to overcome the crippling power of impatience and irritability in our hearts, dear friends. Often it’s the only effective weapon Satan can use to derail us from our powerful love walk. Don’t let him win today. Embrace the anointing for patience today. Practice waiting with joyful expectation. Learn the joy of resting faithfully until God’s will materialises. It’s worth it!

Pastor Josh