“Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works” (Tit 2:14).

Our text reveals THREE awesome results of our Saviour’s vicarious death on that old rugged cross. First, praise the Lord that His mission was to redeem us from all iniquity. Second, Jesus’ goal was to consecrate us for divine use. Third, He designed us to be zealous for good works. Beloved, note that the redeemed of the Lord do not just stumble upon goodness once in a while. Rather, they are passionate about good works. Do you sometimes wonder why you’ve such a passion for charitable causes? Wonder no more! It is in our spiritual DNA, for the Bible says we are created in Christ for good works foreordained for us to walk in (Ep 2:10). When we do these good deeds, people will glorify the Heavenly Father (Mat 5:16). What happens when we trigger a crescendo of praise to God as our zeal for good works is unleashed? Among other things, we’ll experience the presence of God in a special way as He inhabits our praises (Ps 22:3).

Pastor Josh