“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen 1:1).
Today we begin a series of meditations on the implications of being created in God’s image as Genesis 1:27 states clearly. To start with, because our Maker is the Creator, we too have creativity in our DNA. The art, music, inventions, designs, developments and so forth all around us are testimony to that truth. Of course we also have ample evidence that the image of God within us has been marred by the entrance of sin and evil into our world. That’s why some of our creativity is misplaced and misdirected. But thanks be to God for sending us the Redeemer, Christ Jesus! Through Him, we are new creations (2 Cor. 5:17). Our salvation is not just about going to heaven, but is also about deliverance from the dysfunction and misalignment of our hearts. It is also about the restoration of the nature and image of God within us. Hallelujah! Let’s unleash the creative trait we all possess for the glory of God, the common good and our betterment.
Pastor Josh