“And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake” (Acts 6:10).
When you’re born again and Spirit-filled, the wisdom of God, with all the multifaceted traits of God’s image in you, are unlocked. The rebirth and Spirit-baptism are twin supernatural graces that transform and empower the believer into a whole new spiritual dimension. The problem is our ignorance of the phenomenal new life we have in Christ by His Spirit. There is no question about the depth and infinite riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God” (Rom 11:33). It is just a different matter for His wisdom to flow in and through us. Although Stephen’s case was quite tragic, yet his testimony is still inspiring. It teaches us that it is possible for ordinary Christians to flow in such irresistible wisdom. How? 1. ACCEPT this truth. 2. BELIEVE that divine wisdom resides in your heart now and always. 3. CONFESS it frequently with both your natural and spiritual tongues. 4. DON’T contradict the word of God in thought or speech. 5. ENJOY walking in divine wisdom. Start now!
Pastor Josh