“We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak” (2 Cor. 4:13).

Beloved, this is one of the most important principles as far as releasing our blessing, breakthroughs and miracles is concerned. We release the supernatural in the natural by what we say. Our conviction must be matched by our confession. That means when we believe God’s word about something, corresponding talk must follow. Many good Christians do not value and practice the spiritual habit of confession enough. We don’t decree and declare what God has already revealed to us sufficiently. For many, ignorance is no longer the problem. We have a genuine and sufficient revelation of who we are and what we have in Christ. But alas, we are slothful in confessing the promises of God in our lives! To see more results, we must be diligent in our confession. You can’t have an overdose of this, but an underdose is possible! Decree and declare the promises of God about your healing, the wisdom and power of God within you, your divine purpose and so forth several times today! Not just three times, but seven times and more! God has done His part. Do yours!

Pastor Josh