“And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind…” (Ac 2:2a).
There are at least three features of the Holy Spirit’s descent on the Day of Pentecost with present application. Today we consider the first: the SUDDENNESS of the event. The adverb “suddenly” in this context suggests a quick and radical interruption of the status quo by the presence and power of God.
Beloved, we must understand that the presence of God among us is typically disruptive! When the Holy Spirit comes upon individuals and congregations in earnest, things will certainly not be “business as usual”. Our false tranquility will be disrupted by the heavenly storm of the Spirit. The Spirit of God will disturb our tedious spiritual sameness. For sure, our religious monotony, spiritual boredom and counterfeit faith must be interrupted by the power of God. Our dead order, carnal composure and pretentious dignity must be unsettled by the glory of God. Indeed, only the heavenly tempest can overthrow the stubborn hold of the power of darkness among and within us.
Pastor Josh