“The LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him” (Lam 3:25).
Although many believers today love the noble slogan, “God is good all the time”, not all know how to download that goodness. Today’s promise is quite revealing in this regard. First, we learn that it’s our waiting that connects us to the goodness of God. We’ve already seen that biblical waiting involves expectation derived from an awareness of God’s faithfulness (Lam 3:23). Second, we learn that waiting for God and seeking Him are equivalent functions. So to wait for God is to seek Him.
How do we seek God? We seek God through prayer, worship and His word (2 Chr. 7:14; Jo 4:34; Ps 119:10). Whenever we pursue the Lord’s face, we evoke His goodness toward us. Beloved, contrary to the devil’s lies, it’s never a waste of time to invest your time at church, in Bible study, prayer or in biblical meditation. The return on such investment is handsome–guaranteed!
Pastor Josh