‘But God’s firm foundation stands, bearing this seal:”The Lord knows those who are his,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity”‘ (2 Tim 2:19).
In a world where people stray from the truth, abandon their faith and descend into ungodliness, our text highlights three encouraging truths. Firstly, God’s firm foundation is unshakable regardless of what happens around us. That’s reassuring. Secondly, God knows those who are His amidst the ubiquitous corruption around us. Your devotion to God is not unnoticed, your labour is not in vain and your sacrifice is not pointless. Heaven’s system cannot be fooled–God knows who’s genuinely His! I’d rather be honoured by God than receive humans’ accolades. When your friends or foes overlook you, it doesn’t matter because God knows you. Thirdly, we have a warning. We can’t be happy that our names are known in heaven and still happily live in sin! The price we pay for enjoying divine recognition and favour is shunning iniquity. It’s worth its weight in gold!
Pastor Josh