“Now it happened in the meantime that the sky became black with clouds and wind, and there was a heavy rain. So Ahab rode away and went to Jezreel” (1 Kin 18:45).
What a joy it is when the promise becomes reality, the dream becomes fulfilment and the hope becomes tangible! Let’s face it, the small cloud could easily have dissipated into nothing at worst or developed into mild showers at best, but that’s not what happened, praise God.
That’s my prayer for all my flock, family and friends today. May every small cloud of promise develop into a full blown downpour of blessings in your life, family and ministry! May every flower that blooms in your life yield succulent fruit. May you experience the joy of abundant rain! No more endless pipe dreams, religious fantasies and illusions of faith! Let the blessing of Abraham overtake you in reality and may the floodgates of heaven overflow your stores (Mal 3:10).
Pastor Josh