“And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding” (Jer 3:15).
In a world replete with spiritual imposters, this promise is reassuring. God is still in the business of giving His people genuine shepherds. Today we celebrate that truth and also learn how to recognise true Pastors.
Firstly, authentic Pastors are God-given. Knowing this should affect how we view and treat them.
Secondly, these shepherds resonate with God’s heartbeat. So their ministry may not always gel with what our flesh longs for.
Thirdly, their mission is to feed the flock with divine wisdom, that is, with knowledge and understanding. They are called to equip the saints (Eph. 4:12), rather than entertain, enthral or mesmerise them. They are sent to build, challenge and spur believers rather than babysit them.
May Yahweh bless every true Shepherd and flock today!
Pastor Josh