“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth” (Jo 1:12).
We can be so distracted with the business of exchanging Christmas presents that we don’t cherish Christ’s Presence among us. Whereas the value of most presents is quite short term, Christ’s presence endures and creates manifold benefits in the believer’s life. We know that in His presence there is fullness of joy and endless pleasures (Ps 16:11). No material gifts can match that, beloved!
Now, our text reveals three further benefits. Firstly, the Presence spells Christ’s glory. May His majestic glory transfuse and crown your life in this season and beyond. Secondly, Christ’s Presence spells abundant favour (grace). Let His uncommon favour obliterate every barrier to your wellbeing now and always. Thirdly, Christ’s Presence with us spells plenteous truth. Let His unalloyed truth eradicate every deception in your life this Christmas and beyond!
Pastor Josh