“If ye shall ask anything in my name, that will I do” (Jo 14:14).
This verse and the previous one look almost identical at first glance. Yet a closer look reveals a subtle difference. In this case, Jesus Himself directly answers prayer. Lest believers erroneously think that, in the Godhead, only the Father can answer prayer, the Son sets the record straight. Jesus isn’t just the way to the Source–He is the Source, just like the Father.
Many folks today are disappointed that they didn’t get the Christmas gifts they “deserve” or desire from their loved ones. Some are mad at Santa for not delivering what they expected! Here’s friendly, pastoral advice: Don’t be angry with Santa Claus, close family or Father Christmas. Just ask Christ for anything in His name! Christmas means we have access to the real Source–the One who came that we may have abundant life. No more frustrations; no more unfulfilled desires! Have a blessed Christmas.
Pastor Josh