1 Corinthians 2:2
For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
My dear friends, we must together overcome the burden and bondage of wanting to define, understand or explain people too much. We cause ourselves loads of unnecessary heartaches and headaches.
Consider the apostle’s example in our text. All he cared about was that Jesus died for the Corinthians. So should we. That will set us free. And set them free to be who God is shaping them to be.
When we habitually view and value people through Calvary filters or glasses, our entire outlook will change. Knowing that our omniscient Heavenly Father could not have invested His best in vain inspires our sense of hope for people. We won’t be quick to condemn them. We won’t hastily write them off.
Before you criticise your sister, remember that Jesus died for her. Before you condemn your brother, recall that Jesus purchased him with the highest currency. Before you blame your leaders, remember that the Lamb of God bought them with His precious blood. Enjoy the wisdom and freedom of viewing people through Calvary eyes.
Pastor Josh