1 Corinthians 15:33
Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”

Even as we speak, the threat of deception on a personal level is stronger than ever. Our being born-again is not an automatic insurance against deception. Thank God that His Word warns and empowers us to overcome the various forms of deception every generation finds.

Today we focus on the trap of ungodly associations. Beloved, as a rule, every relationship in our lives has influence upon our morality one way or another. The people you hang around with will definitely influence your value system. Because they are close to you, they are strategically positioned to influence your beliefs and behaviour without resistance.

They either add value to or devalue your life. They either help you or hinder you, fuel your faith or fuel your fears, lift you up or pull you down. Your mates can bring out the best in you or the worst in you, feed your strengths or feed your weaknesses. So, ungodly, immoral, corrupt, dirty-minded people will certainly ruin your behaviour, progress and above all, your destiny (1 Cor. 15:33, Psalm 1:1).

Surround yourself only with a circle of winners–honest, godly, faithful, wise, diligent and positive-minded people. Love everybody but choose your mentors, influencers and friends wisely. God bless you!

Pastor Josh