Esther 4:14
For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
Mordecai’s counsel to Esther is double-edged. On one hand, he points out that she cannot hold God to ransom because He can always deploy someone else. Since time immemorial, the Sovereign God has ensured the survival of His chosen people for the sake of the Messiah and His eternal plan. That’s still the case today.
On the other hand, Mordecai tells Esther that she is strategically placed in the palace by divine appointment. Her location in the kingdom has a higher purpose. It is not accidental.
Neither is ours, beloved. There may not have been a Theophany that announced God’s involvement in our lives, but as covenant people, we must operate from the premise that God specifically situated us where we are for such a time as this. You are here by divine appointment, not by chance.
So, that being the case, how should we live, as people who know that we are on a divine mission? Inter alia, we must live responsibly. That means honouring our obligations. We commit ourselves to fulfil our duty conscientiously. Beloved, responsible saints don’t live carelessly and irresponsibly.
We must also live purposefully. That means living with a clear awareness of our reason for being here. Let me ask you this, dear friend, Why are you here? What difference were you created to make in your family, community or generation?
What problems were you designed to solve for the Church and society? What positive influence are you well positioned to exert? What tragedies are you perfectly placed to avert? Reflect on this prayerfully and write down your revelations, will you?
Pastor Josh