Revelation 19:11
Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war.
Earlier in the Revelation, we met the antichrist riding on a white horse, on the warpath (6:2). Now we meet the Real Christ also on a white horse–on the warpath. The impostor gives way to the Faithful and True.
Jesus’ riding on a white horse signifies His identity as the ultimate Warrior and Victor. His eyes are like a flame of fire, signifying His indignation over the works of the evil one. His clothes bear evidence of justified bloodshed (v13). That means Jesus shall deal severely with the enemies of the Cross. Saints take heart!
That Jesus wears many crowns on His head is highly significant (v12). These multiple diadems signify His infinite royalty and majesty, unlike the antichrist’s garlands of temporary victory. Jesus reigns! He doesn’t just save, He rules in absolute power and authority, with a sharp sword and a rod of iron forever (v15). Beloved, there’s no trace of weakness in Jesus!
The Suffering Servant of Isaiah has become the Lord of hosts in the eschaton, followed by the armies of heaven, clothed in fine, white and clean linen, also on white horses (v14). He’s on a white horse, and so are we! Jesus’ victory and authority is shared by His redeemed ones. Reign in the midst of your enemies!
Let every problem and situation in your life bow to the name above all names. Worship His Majesty, Jesus who died, now glorified, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS!
Pastor Josh