Ephesians 5:18
Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.
At any given time, something or other fills our hearts. None of us is neutral. There is always a dominant influence inside of us. It’s up to us to choose who or what we allow control over our lives. That’s why the Word of God instructs us to make sure that we are continually and regularly filled and refilled with the Spirit.
Now, you can’t be filled with the Spirit and be filled with the flesh at the same time. Light and darkness, truth and lies, love and hate cannot fill our hearts at the same time.
Rather the fullness of the Spirit within us necessarily displaces the works of the flesh. As long as we are not filled with the Spirit, our old nature, the flesh, will gladly fill the vacuum. So when you start your day unfilled, the works of the flesh will automatically manifest in your life freely (see Gal 5:19).
Remember that out of the abundance (fullness) of the heart the mouth speaks (Mat 12:34). Therefore when you are continually filled and led by the Spirit, you will automatically spill the fruit of the Spirit, the wisdom of God and the character of Christ (Gal 5:22-23). You are then geared to represent Christ in your home, school, work and life worthily. Why not make that your daily prayer?
Pastor Josh