1 Corinthians 12:7
But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.
Our text highlights at least three precious insights about our spiritual advantage with respect to the charismata. Firstly, as a child of God you have a unique spiritual gift with your name on it. Even when you have the same gift as someone else, yours is still unique. Just like fingerprints, our gifts are distinct. None of us is a duplicate of someone else. Your God-given ability has your special signature. Hallelujah!
Secondly, your anointing must be evident. As a rule, the presence of the Holy Spirit upon you must manifest. There must not be speculation or suspicion about your Spirit-baptism. It must be obvious; it must be plain for all to see that you’re operating under genuine inspiration and power. Don’t settle for a subtle sense of anointing.
It wasn’t like that in the early church. It shouldn’t be that way today. Do not boast about being Pentecostal without a demonstration of His power in and through your life. Being Spirit-filled must go beyond feelings and words. It should manifest through you in prayer, tongues, prophecy, healing, wisdom, worship, teaching, leading, serving, counselling and evangelism, among other ways.
Thirdly, the spiritual gifts we receive from the Lord are meant for the common good. That means your gift is meant to be a blessing to others. You and I have a responsibility to use our gifts to edify the saints. We have no right to hide our gifts and talents. It’s not about what we can benefit from our gifts. Rather it’s about how the beloved can benefit from the gifts of grace we’ve received.
Pastor Josh