Ephesians 6:19
Pray also for me, so that, when I begin to speak, the right words will come to me. Then I will boldly make known the mystery of the gospel.
Scripture clearly records that Paul did not lack a good education: “I am a Jew, born in Tarsus in Cilicia but raised in this city and educated at the feet of Gamaliel in the strict ways of our ancestral Law. I am as zealous for God as all of you are today” (Ac 22:3).
Yet in spite of such high education under Dr Gamaliel and vast experience in Judaism (see Phi 3:5), the apostle earnestly requests prayer for utterance. He does not rely on his own personal experience and knowledge. He does not wish to impress the saints with his own eloquence. He understands the value of speaking the right words at the right time–the blessing of speaking a word in season. So must we!
There is a lot of idle chatter in the world and the church today. Too many careless words are thrown about, causing so much harm to many an innocent soul. Yet the Bible says, “An appropriate answer brings joy to a person, and a well-timed word is a good thing” (Pro 15:23).
Today let us pray for our Pastors, that every time they stand to preach, supernatural utterance be given them. That they will boldly declare the mystery of the Gospel to all who hear. That the saints hear what they need in order to transform and bless their lives, rather than what they want to hear in order to massage their ego or tickle their ears!
Pastor Josh