1 Corinthians 12:14
For the body does not consist of one member but of many.

Beloved, profound truth sometimes sounds too simple. Take today’s Word for instance: at face value it states the obvious. But in practice this is exactly where we miss it.

We forget that the Church–the Body of Christ–was designed to function as a plural community. We don’t appreciate our diversity sufficiently. We struggle to move from ME to WE! Yet we must intentionally celebrate our plurality and diversity. How can we do that today?

One way is to ADMIT that you need your brothers and sisters in Christ. Show respect for other believers and ministers. That means acknowledging other members’ worth. Be willing to listen to others when they minister. Acknowledge that they have something to offer that you don’t have–because they actually do. None of us is an island. Even the quietest saint plays a vital role in your life. Many of us can say to the Lord, “I need You”, but can’t say it to the brethren. That must change!

Secondly, BELIEVE in others. When you attend church, expect to receive a blessing from fellow believers. Whereas we’ve heard a lot about believing in ourselves, we must also believe in others’ potential (see 1 Cor. 13:7). Don’t always expect the worst from your mates. Trust them to excel in their gifting. Root for their success.

Thirdly, COMMEND more and criticise less. Avoid the trap of finding fault with one another (see Mat 7:1-5). Show genuine appreciation. Show support through your body language. Applaud others when they put effort in the Kingdom. Be an encourager. Pray for others as they serve. When they stumble, pick them up. Let us live to enjoy the benefits of celebrating our plurality and diversity in Christ through the Spirit!

Pastor Josh