Hebrews 13:20-21
Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.
The Bible records various powerful prayers for our instruction and emulation. Such is this apostolic prayer. Observe that every prayer has a viewpoint. Some are traditional, ritual, doubtful or wishful. However, every effective prayer stems from a particular revelation of God’s nature or character within a particular context.
Such is this apostolic prayer. It appeals to the God of Peace–the one who spared no cost to reconcile us with a Himself and with one another through the atoning sacrifice of His only begotten Son. He Himself is our Peace, having broken down the wall of hostility between us (Ephesians 2:14).
Beloved, in the midst of persecution and conflict, as first century Jewish Christians endured, nothing was more comforting than to know the peace of God that passes all understanding. See Gideon’s use of the title Yahweh Shalom in the midst of the threat of and conflict with the Midianites (Judges 6:24).
Yahweh is the Source of Peace of heart, mind and life whatever is happening around us. True peace is not the absence of issues around us, but the presence of the Prince of Peace within us. May His shalom guard your heart and mind today through it all!
Pastor Josh