1 Peter 1:3
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
Usually, we think of our salvation only in terms of Christ’s death on Calvary. Yet our text today links our rebirth with Jesus’ resurrection. So which is which, then?
Well, it’s not a question of either/or, but of both. We benefit from our Saviour’s death as well as from His resurrection. We identify with Him in both events. First, Christ died for sin so that we could die to sin. Thus the Cross deals with the sin-problem, our past. It pays the penalty for our iniquities.
Second, Christ rose to glory so that we too may rise to grace and glory. As sure as Christ is risen, so shall we be raised with Him to holiness here and heaven hereafter. Therefore, whereas the Cross ensures that our old nature is dead, the Resurrection ensures that our new man lives in Christ. The dual event closes one chapter and opens another.
Indeed, the Resurrection begets us to a living hope and to an incorruptible, undefiled and fadeless inheritance, reserved in heaven for us, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the end (1 Pet 1:4-5). Our past is dealt with by the Cross. Our present and our future are taken care of by the resurrection power. Because He lives, we live too–life in abundance (John 10:10). Glory to His name!
Pastor Josh