John 1:14
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
Today we retrace our faith to the beginning of our Redemption Story. First, we note that our Redeemer, the preexistent divine Logos, became flesh and dwelt among us. That in itself is the most powerful of all Gospel truths, on which foundation our faith and sense of worth are built.
It is so just because His incarnation validates our human existence. Our bodily nature was forever endorsed by the Son of God’s act of assuming our likeness. He became like us so that we can become like Him!
Therefore, there is a Man on the right hand of the Father as we speak! Our Great High Priest–fully God and fully human–forever represents us at the centre of heaven’s throne. Unlike ancient Hellenistic thinking which denigrated the human body, we know that God cares about our physical life. He indwells, fills, blesses, anoints and heals our bodies–the temples of the Spirit. Hallelujah!
Second, we note that the glorious Logos came to this earth full of Grace and Truth. Beloved, Grace and Truth allude to two central attributes of God’s character as revealed throughout the Hebrew Bible (the OT). Accordingly, Jesus embodies the ultimate expression of God’s unmerited favour and covenant loyalty toward the world that rejected Him.
Jesus’ fullness of Grace means He is the epitome of love, is full of compassion, rich in mercy and slow to anger. His perfect love casts out fear. Know that Jesus cares for you with a perfect love. He is not judgmental or legalistic towards us. His attitude towards you is driven by Grace–agape love. Draw near to Him with that awareness.
Jesus’ fullness of Truth means that He possesses perfect knowledge and is the perfect revelation of divine reality. He is omniscient. He is fully aware of your situation, destiny, challenges and needs. Therefore, pray and worship Him with the understanding that nothing is hidden from Him and is not a man that He should lie. Never doubt Jesus’ understanding of your circumstances and opportunities. Trust Him!
Pastor Josh