In the New Testament, Truth (alētheia)
is used in three senses. In most cases the term refers to factuality, as opposed to being false or in error. In other cases, Truth is used in the sense of faithfulness and reliability. Thirdly, the term Truth is used to denote reality, genuineness or completeness as opposed to being fake, an imitation or incomplete. 
What a profound revelation this verse is! Truthful Christians are phototropic. That means they are drawn to the Light (Jesus). They don’t flee from the light of God. They are not afraid to be exposed by the presence and revelation of God. Elsewhere, the Bible says, “If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth” (1 John 1:6). That means genuine followers of Christ are not comfortable in sin. 
Hiding from the Light often indicates that something is wrong with us. We were created to walk in the Light. We were designed to be genuine, real and reliable. Walking in darkness doesn’t come naturally for us. For instance, when did Adam and Eve go into hiding? They only did after falling from grace. Thankfully, God did not let them stay in a state of hiding! Neither does He want us to do so today. 
Because sin tends to drive us away from the light, let us promptly confess our sins as soon as we become aware of them. Let us not be comfortable with a spirituality devoid of the presence of Christ. Let us jealously guard our right to walk closely with Jesus, the Light of the world!
Pastor Josh