Acts 1:8b
And you shall be witnesses to Me…

Like the Lord’s first disciples, today’s Christian disciples can easily be distracted from our core business. Our focus must not be on establishing empires on this planet. Our main goal must never be to make our names great, to be the richest kid on the block, the smartest mind on earth or the most popular leader in history!

You and I can do with some reminding: “And you shall be witnesses to Me”. We live to point people to Christ. He is the main event, the only goal worth pursuing, the only Way, Truth and Life, the be-all and end-all. We shouldn’t be pointing others in the wrong direction any longer–not to our churches, not unto us, not to our pastors, prophets, icons or politicians–but only to Jesus.

Will you tell somebody about Jesus’ love today? Will you encourage your friend, neighbour, relation or mate to receive the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ? You were won into the kingdom in order to win others too. That’s your core business.

Pastor Josh