2 Corinthians 10:5
We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.
Previously we saw that we fight with weapons that are different from those the world uses. They are not merely human weapons–weapons of the flesh. We learnt that our weapons have power from God that can destroy the enemy’s strongholds.
Now we note that the main target of our spiritual weapons is human mindsets. The strongholds mentioned here are sophisticated arguments and exalted, proud opinions of men that rise against the knowledge of God. Our spiritual weapons are capable of capturing every thought and make it obey Christ.
This is one of the most profound principles in Scripture, beloved! It is so because we know that the devil overcomes people by planting wrong thoughts in their minds. The various temptations we all face target our minds. Satan loves to mess with our minds. That is where we win or lose the war of faith. Our minds are the main battleground. Remember that the Son of Man was tempted in the same way (Matthew 4:1-11).
Beloved, we will never be free until our destructive thought patterns are dealt with. Our loved ones will never serve the Lord until their mental arguments are destroyed. For instance, it is not good enough just to pray for someone to be blessed. We shouldn’t just ask God to save people. Too many of our prayers are too general to make any difference. It’s like spraying bullets randomly all over the place. That’s not how we win the battle, brethren!
Rather we must destroy the proud and sophisticated arguments, the mindsets and thought patterns that ruin the lives of our friends, family or even ourselves. In earnest prayer, we must take captive every thought to the obedience of Christ. Let us do less arguing with people, and do more prayers that target satanic mentalities. Let us criticise less and pray more. When we prayerfully destroy harmful mental strongholds and capture every thought to obey Christ, we will witness uncommon breakthroughs and turnarounds. Let’s do this!
Pastor Josh