John 14:26
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.

Spiritual people never forget things! Have you ever been annoyed by the way you forget certain critical things just when you need them? Well, that doesn’t have to be your portion if you are a child of God! Observe that in this verse the second great thing the Holy Spirit does in the believer is to REMIND.

Previously we learnt that the first awesome function the Spirit fulfils in our lives is to TEACH us. That is to impart new information or knowledge. That is different from the Spirit’s reminding function. By definition, to remind is to refresh someone’s memory. It’s helping someone to retain information. It is to bring something previously learned back to mind. It’s about retrieving truth you already know.

Beloved, we all have a lot of precious information in our hearts and minds that can help us or someone else around us–if we could only remember it! There are sermons we have heard in the past that could help us today if we could just recollect the key points. There are lessons the Lord taught us during some yesteryear crises that can help us today, if we could just recall them. So oftentimes our problem is not ignorance, but forgetfulness (amnesia)!

Now, take God at His word. Ask the Holy Spirit to refresh your memory whenever you sense the need. That’s why He is in you! Regularly ask the Paraclete whether there is something already lodged in your mind that is relevant to the situation you’re facing now. The Omniscient One can jog your memory better than anyone or anything can. He will gladly bring up the Word hidden in your heart so that you do not sin against God (Psalm 119:11). Say no to forgetting!

Pastor Josh