John 14:16
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you.
Some Pentecostals today think of the Holy Spirit only in terms of Tongues. Many believers today have a distorted concept of the Spirit of Truth. To many, the dominant image in their minds is that of wind, fire or rain. A wrong concept of the nature and personality of the Holy Spirit is one of the worst mistakes in today’s church. It’s time to reintroduce the second Person of the Trinity!
Observe that Jesus introduces Him as another Advocate (Helper). By saying “another”, Jesus wants us to understand that the Holy Spirit is just like Jesus. Jesus didn’t walk the earth as some scary influence, raging wind or firestorm. He was an approachable, intelligent, faithful, holy, child-friendly, accessible, omnipotent, omniscient, living, expressive, loving, sensitive, wise, personal, leader, friend, mentor, interpreter, guide, teacher, counsellor, Lord and God. So is the Spirit of Truth.
Let us welcome Him afresh today. Think of Him as your divine Advocate, who counsels, advises, defends, mentors and guides you in life, ministry and worship. Acknowledge His presence today. Be alert to His voice. Obey His instructions. Cooperate with Him. He will lead you into all truth. Your life will never be the same again!
Pastor Josh