John 14:15-16
If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to help you and be with you for ever.
Readers do not usually connect v15 with v16 when reading this passage. Yet Jesus’ train of thought here links our loving obedience to Him with the release of the Spirit.
Let me ask you directly dear friend, do you love Jesus still? Do you attend church purely as a matter of obligation? Are you serving Him as a chore? Your love for Christ is measured by your obedience. God is not impressed when we say we love Him but flout His rules and disobey His Word all the time.
If we desire to experience the genuine fullness of the Spirit and to sense His continual presence and counsel in our lives, we must love and obey Christ. The reason why some believers never truly experience the Holy Spirit in their lives is their disobedience! When our motives are purely utilitarian (just to use God), we are not ready for the Paraclete!
Brethren, so many things we are trying to obtain by “serious” supplications are easily received through expressing our love to the Lord. That is why some people receive the Holy Spirit BEFORE they formally ask for His empowerment. That is why worship–a way of expressing our love and devotion to the Lord–is so powerful. That is why obeying the Word of God is so critical. Let that be your portion!
Pastor Josh