Galatians 4:19
My little children, for whom I labour in birth again until Christ is formed in you.
Here Paul discloses the essential goal every Christian minister and ministry should be about. It’s the goal to enable believers to live up to their identity as true followers of Christ.
To be a Christian implies being Christlike. It’s not just about what you claim to believe. It’s not just about attending church. It’s more to do with the authentic formation of Christ’s life and character within you. So, if you are not Christlike how “Christian” are you?
Let us not kid ourselves beloveds! We are only Christians when our fruit match the Vine’s (see John 15:1-10). The Lord Jesus also says we shall recognise true spirituality by means of the fruit, not by ministerial title or verbal profession (Mat 7:15-23). He states categorically that on the day of judgment He shall turn away “many” who used to call Him, “Lord, Lord”!
Therefore, every Christian’s goal must be to live up to our Christian identity. That’s why Paul passionately expresses his sole ambition to know Christ, the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings (Phil 3:10). If the great Apostle did not rest on his laurels, spiritually speaking, why should we? Oh that we would truly know Him and be like Him!
Pastor Josh