Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.
(1 Corinthians 11:1)
If we desire to be the quality of believers and church God has in mind, then we must be intentional about whom we model. As individual believers we run the high risk of turning out to be rejects, unworthy for export to the kingdom of Heaven. Also collectively, we are in danger of turning out to be a church that is unrecognisable by heavenly standards.
Beloveds, we must not kid ourselves that we can live anyhow, believe anything and still wake up in heaven when we die. Neither should we deceive ourselves that we can reengineer the concept of church to suit our contemporary whims. The Church is God’s brainchild. It is His vision. It is our responsibility to ensure that we meet divine specifications. And we cannot satisfy such specs unaided. We desperately need the Holy Spirit to help us. We should intentionally imitate the Early Church’s success story. What will you do, dear saint?
Pastor Josh