He suffered no man to do them wrong; yea, He reproved kings for their sakes, saying, “Touch not Mine anointed, and do My prophets no harm.” Psalm 105:14-15
Arguably all Christians know that Christ means the “Anointed One”, the Messiah (Mashiach in Hebrew) of God. Yet what many don’t know is that all believers are also “anointed ones” of God (see 1 John 2:20, 27). Now, God’s holy word makes it abundantly clear that nobody has the right to “touch” the anointed ones of God. That’s YOU, dear Christian!
Previously we learnt that the anointing is for a PURPOSE. That means the Holy Spirit anoints us in order to accomplish the will of God. For instance, we are anointed to proclaim the Good News of God’s love in Christ, to heal the sick, worship in spirit and truth, to set captives free, to prosper, to serve the Lord and His people effectively and more.
Now, today’s passage teaches us that the anointing is also for our PROTECTION. Remember how God intervened to protect Sarah and Rebecca from indecent assault by foreign kings? Compare also how the Lord protected Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego from the fiery furnace. Don’t forget also how the anointing protected David from Saul’s raging jealousy. Neither should you overlook Joseph’s protection from his brothers’ malice, the temptations of Mrs Potiphar and the vicissitudes of prison.
I beseech you to appreciate the divine protection upon your life precisely because you are an anointed one of God. Praise the Lord for the seal of the Holy Spirit upon your life. Give the Heavenly Father glory for His multipurpose anointing. Hallelujah!
Pastor Josh