There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. This man came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all through him might believe. John 1:6-7
The Bible states clearly that “there was a MAN sent from God”. It doesn’t say there was an angel or some archangel. It says John was just a human being just like us-with all the frailty, flaws and fears all people on this planet possess. Yet God chose this human to be a witness to the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.
I’ve heard some people say, “I’m only human”-as if being human disqualifies us from serving the Lord. Actually, it is your very humanness that qualifies you to reach fellow humans. To be credible, you don’t have to be superhuman. To be believable, you don’t have to be abnormal. You just need to have a holy humanness. Because you are a human “sent from God”. Never forget that. John the Witness had no confusion about, or apology for his humanness. Neither should we.
Let me illustrate. Have you noticed how marketers often use the testimonies of ordinary buyers to boost the appeal of their products to prospective buyers? That is why certain sites are happy to display realistic product reviews. When potential buyers see the reviews (testimonies) of satisfied customers, they also gain confidence in the product. They follow suit because they can identify with ordinary people just like them who proved the worth of the product being sold. So the testimonies of ordinary buyers have a huge value to businesses.
So it is in matters of faith, salvation and all the blessings of God. When seekers and doubters hear the testimonies of born again fellow humans, they are inspired to also put their trust in Christ. Your personal word about the goodness of the Lord matters a great deal. Don’t ever underestimate the power of your witness. Don’t look down on the value of your testimony. Don’t be a silent witness. Speak out. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you say a few words in season to inspire someone. Whether you’re a man, woman, boy or girl, there are people just like you whose encouragement, salvation or growth depends on your simple anointed personal testimony.
Pastor Josh