As I was on the road, nearing Damascus, suddenly about noon a very bright light from heaven shone around me. And I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me, ‘Paul, Paul, why are you persecuting me?’ Acts 22:6-7
Every believer has a unique personal story and testimony. In particular, your personal testimony of how you met Jesus can be used to win souls for God’s glory. Your personal testimony is a wonderful non-threatening way to share the Good News of Christ with others. Many biblical characters used this approach to good effect. The Apostle Paul used this technique at least six times in his witnessing career. So can we and so should we. Our text today is one great example among several.
How did Paul structure his personal testimony? Firstly, it was CLEAR. He clearly stated how his life was BEFORE CHRIST (see Acts 22:3-5). His testimony was not confusing, complicated or laden with religious jargon. It was simple enough for sinners and saints, young and older alike to understand. It did not glorify his life before salvation, as some today do. It was crystal clear, to the point and honest. So should yours be.
Paul goes on to explain his CONVERSION. He relates his turning point (see vv6-16). So should we. Your testimony must not give the impression that you’ve always been a Christian, even if you loved the Lord from childhood. Just as each one of us has a definite natural birthday, we all also have a definite spiritual birthday. You cannot afford to be hazy about this. Be able to tell exactly when and how you were born again and baptised.
Thirdly, Paul then relates his CALLING. That refers to his present life (see vv17-21). In the same way, your audience wants to know how your walk with Christ is like since you surrendered your life to Him. They need to hear your account of how the spiritual journey is shaping up. Are you enjoying your relationship with Jesus? What difference has giving your life to Christ made for you? Be able to answer these questions precisely.
I beseech you by the mercies of God to also intentionally and honestly structure your personal testimony for clarity and good effect.
Pastor Josh