Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. Acts 16:6 NIV


Observe that the Bible here refers to Paul and his companions. Although he is the only one who was saved and commissioned through a dramatic encounter with the risen Lord Jesus, Paul never went about ministry as a Lone Ranger.

Initially, Barnabas accompanied him-in a two-man team. In today’s passage he is with Silas, Luke and then he also picks up Timothy along the way. The Lord Jesus Himself did not go about His ministry alone. He took time to put together a team of trainee leaders. He also would not send His disciples singly but two-by-two. The Apostles perpetuated the same principle.

Ministry, just like any other worthwhile endeavour, requires partnership and teamwork. Intentional cooperation and collaboration are necessary to achieve lasting success in ministry and in life. In every situation, Together Everyone Achieves More (T. E. A. M). Teamwork enables mutual and moral support. It also ensures accountability and security. The Gospel of the kingdom of God will advance phenomenally when we fully utilise teamwork.

Dear friends, the GOAL is more important than the ROLE. Let us not be preoccupied with our titles or positions. As in a football team, it does not matter who scores to enable the team to win. Defenders, midfielders and strikers all collaborate to enable the team to win.

Of course, every individual’s maximum contribution matters. So each one of us must be willing to subordinate our personal roles and agendas to support the team vision. All players have a place where they add the most value. Essentially, when the right team member is in the right place, everyone benefits. Please play your part well. And remember it’s about “we” not “me”! Will you be an exceptional Team-player?

Pastor Josh