He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. Psalm 1:3
Sometimes believers seem to be apologetic about succeeding and prospering in life. Often we get the impression that only going to heaven matters and succeeding on earth doesn’t. So we are conflicted about achieving our genuine goals, excelling and doing well in life.
Well, there’s no need for that confusion and dissonance. Our text today and others make it abundantly clear that God wants His children to prosper the right way. Please be encouraged today. God wants you to be like a tree planted by the streams of water. He really wants you to be perpetually fruitful and successful in everything you do. It’s His will for you to have good success. He wants you to flourish like a palm tree and grow like a cedar of Lebanon. He wants you to be in good health physically and spiritually.
Look, there is nothing “Christian” about poverty and lack. There is nothing spiritual about scrapping to make ends meet. Believe that your life can change for the better. Believe that you can live in superabundance. Believe that you can be a shining example of a generous and godly disciple of Christ. Reject a scarcity mentality.
Trust God. Dream big. Work hard. Work smart. Be creative. Plan ahead. Save. Invest. Give. Enjoy the Word. Meditate on it. Confess it. Pray. Never give up. Maximise your potential. Use your talents. Listen to sound counsel. Live right. Walk tall. Forgive. God bless you!
Pastor Josh