Elijah arrived at a cave and stayed there. All of a sudden this message came from the Lord: “What are you doing here, Elijah?” 1 Kings 19:9
Dear Christian, do you know what you’re meant to be doing where you are? Why did God create you? Why did He place you on this beautiful blue planet?
When God asked Elijah the above question, the prophet had just fled from the threats of Queen Jezebel. He had previously demonstrated an enormous amount of courage and clarity about his heavenly mission. However, the wicked queen’s threats had disoriented the Man of God. So the Lord’s question was a wake up call.
That question is absolutely relevant for you and I today. For it is very easy for us to be sidetracked from our purpose. It’s quite easy for us to waste time pursuing goals that have nothing to do with our true God-given assignment. It’s quite easy to be so busy trying to survive that we neglect how to be significant. We can easily focus on looking good at the expense of being fruitful. We also run the risk of being square plugs in round holes. That means we can be busy operating outside God’s will for our lives.
I urge you today to take time to answer that question afresh. What are you doing here? Are you sure that you’re fulfilling your true life purpose? There is no better time than now to know for certain. Pray about it. Attend relevant classes. Get appropriate guidance. It’s your responsibility to know for sure urgently. Don’t assume you know. You cannot afford to simply guess. I pray that you discover your true purpose sooner than later and begin to make a difference for eternity.
Pastor Josh