Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
Ephesians 4:29
If you had to pay a small fine every time you speak a negative word, how big would be your debt? For most of us I think it would be extremely enormous! Why?
Because we are accustomed to speaking negatively. You see, negative words are like weeds-they don’t need any effort to grow! Careless words do not require special training. They just happen. They are everywhere. We hear them frequently. We read them all over the shore. We have plenty of encouragement to speak corrupt words- from friends, family, workmates, tv, classmates, social media and so forth.
On the other hand, developing a positive attitude takes conscious effort. Daily. Our text today has a very helpful tip. It says we must intentionally refuse to speak corrupting words. It implies our minds will often formulate negative words, but we can choose to deny them exit from the gate of our mouths.
Deliberately refuse to express any negative thoughts in words. Because speaking things out affirms and enforces them in your life. You create your world by the words you constantly speak. Your words build or destroy, heal or hurt. See Proverbs 18:21. Don’t leave it to chance. Choose life.
So my dear friend, when you’re tempted to say I can’t, say I can. When you’re tempted to say I don’t believe, say I believe. When you’re tempted to say I’m afraid, say I’m confident. When you’re tempted to say I don’t have the time, say I’ll make the time. When you’re tempted to say things are tough, say all things are working together for good. When you’re tempted to say I am weak, say I’m strong. When you’re tempted to say I’m broke, say I’m rich. When you’re tempted to say I am dull, say I am brilliant. When you’re tempted to say I’m a sinner, say I’m a new creation. When you’re tempted to complain, say I’m forever grateful. When you’re tempted to criticise, compliment.
Pastor Josh