He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1
In recent months, the illusions of global peace, prosperity and security that normally pervade our world have been shattered. Every nation and everyone is acutely aware of our vulnerability. Fear, panic and confusion have become the order of the day. However, this pandemic brings to the fore the crucial importance of God’s protection for His children. Thankfully, we know from Scripture that God is in the business of protecting His own.
For instance, the 91st Psalm teaches us at least three wonderful principles we must heed to appropriate our divine protection. Today we will consider the first one. It’s this: DWELL IN YOUR SPIRITUAL ADDRESS.
The Psalmist calls it the Secret Place. So many people are proud of their physical address or residence. But the reference here is not to a physical place beloveds. It refers to our spiritual residence. It’s the presence of the Lord. The Lord Jesus calls it abiding in the Vine (John 15:4). Now, Scripture says we must DWELL in that address intentionally. Don’t just visit the Secret Place. Stay there permanently. Refuse to dwell in the flesh. Refuse to live in fear. The Secret Place should be the air that you breathe.
Remember that the name of the Lord is a strong tower to which the righteous run and are safe (Proverbs 18:10). Have you noticed that Scripture here says the saints RUN to the Lord? That means hastening to the presence of God. That speaks of an enthusiastic attitude to the things of God. We don’t approach the presence of God lackadaisically. It means you and I should be fervent in our pursuit of God’s face.
I beseech you by the mercies of God to practice running to the presence of the Lord. Don’t be casual about attending church and enjoying the presence of the Lord. Make it your top priority. Renew your passion for prayer, worship and the Word. Revive your zeal for fellowship with the saints and the Spirit. Choose to daily dwell in the Secret Place of the Most High. It’s the safest place in the world!
Pastor Josh